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Buddha Bowl

The amounts suggested are per portion.  You can make a few at the same time, store in jars in the fridge, and lunch is prepared for the next few days.

Buddha Bowl
  1. Pick a Protein: (100g) Chicken | prawns | mackerel | salmon (canned / fresh) | tuna
  2. Pick a green leafy vegetable (large handful) Rocket | watercress | spinach | romaine | mixed leaves
  3. Pick your vegetables (80g) Onion | cucumber | cooked / raw broccoli | radish | celery |roasted / raw cauliflower
  4. Pick a carbohydrate:
  5. Roasted sweet potato (1 small)

       - roasted butternut squash (75g)
       - roasted carrot / parsnip (1 medium)
       - roasted beetroot (1 medium)

  6. Pick a healthy fat: 10 olives | 1 avocado
  7. Fermented vegetables: 1 tbsp Sauerkraut | fermented vegetables, e.g. beets / carrots /purple cabbage